Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Physical Therapy

It's been a little while since I updated my blog....

I was told at Aaron's consultation for his Doc Band that he should go to physical therapy for his torticollis. Aaron's muscles on one side of his neck are tight which results in him turning his head to one side. It also has affects his plagiocephaly because when he is in his crib at night he has his head turned to one side which is causing the flat spot on the back of his head. With him getting older, its getting better because he can pick his head up and he plays in his jumperoo a lot. Before we started physical therapy I moved his toys on his car seat to the other side, switched sides when feeding him so he would want to focus on the tv and move his head and do a lot of tummy time. We started his PT session on Monday and the therapist was just grading him that day on how he reacts to things and does with rolling over, picking his head up, grasping things etc. Today I went back and she said that he did really good on all of that and he is where he needs to be. She showed me some stretches for me to do with him every diaper change. He didn't seem to mind one bit. I'll take him once a week until he is doing better.

He gets fitted for his band this Friday and then he'll receive it in two weeks.


  1. My sweet Natalie. Yes, patience is a virtue. And we are so blessed that the medical problem Aaron has is minor because we all know it could be alot worse. Aiden and Aaron are developing wonderfully, and they are happy and healthy, and it's exciting to see them grow. You and Chris are very blessed. You are a wonderful, caring, and loving Mommy, and I admire you. You have a full plate, and every day that plate is different. But you handle everything with dignity, grace, patience and love. My grandchildren are my sunshine and I thank God everyday for them. God doesn't give you more than you can handle, but we always have our special Guardian Angel backing us up. I love you all so very much! Momma

  2. Natalie, this comment is from Granny.

    I never thought I would live long enough to have Great Grand Children and I am blessed with three beautiful Great Grand Children and two wonderful and beautiful Grand Daughters. Just wish we lived closer so we could see you more often. Love and happiness to this beautiful family and God Bless. Love you, Granny
